Alanis Morissette on her break up with Ryan Reynolds

Alanis Morissette has been getting a bit of extra attention lately, mostly focused on her ‘pregnancy’ and her ex-fiancé getting engaged. She also has a new album out, which is shaping up to be pretty good.

On Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson’s engagement:

Reynolds began dating Johansson last year (07) just months after he ended his four year relationship with the Canadian singer.

But single Morissette insists she isn’t jealous or resentful, telling Entertainment Weekly, “On a certain spiritual level, I feel like everyone’s where they need to be.”

And the star vows never to play out another relationship in the public eye: “Public romance. I’m going to be avoiding that in the future. I think the only time I’ll talk about any guy I’m with will be when I’m married with six kids.”

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I think this is her way of saying “butt out of my personal life,” but in the politest possible way ever. Something I just love about Alanis is that while she can be really angry and crazy in her music, she’s not an angry or crazy person. I’m looking at you, Courtney Love.

A couple of weeks ago she also had this to say about her break up with Ryan Reynolds.

“Every time I go through something difficult, I think, `This is the motherload. I’m not going to get through this one.’ And then, six months later, I’m like, `What’s his name again?'”

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Good advice for anyone going through a break-up, particularly one that leaves you sobbing on the floor inhaling chocolate.

Her album, Flavors of Entaglement, has been getting good reviews, although it is full of break-up songs. Rolling Stone describes the new album as “heartfelt” and that it features “electro beats, Eastern percussion, [and] orchestral arrangements.”

Alanis is shown performing in Las Vegas on 3/18/08, thanks to WENN.
