Back in 2018, Jack Dylan Grazer came under fire after a video of him smoking weed was leaked online. The actor was 14-years-old at the time and was largely called out for his actions.
Following the release of his new film, “Luca,” the old video resurfaced online, leading the Disney star to mock the online “cancel culture.” The 2018 video was previously leaked through the actor’s own snapchat account.
In the video, a young Jack Dylan Grazer can be seen smoking cannabis and vaping. The clip immediately went viral and created a frenzy on social media.
After facing severe backlash, the then 14-year-old “It” star posted an apology on his Instagram. However, the now-deleted apology video was heavily trolled for being scripted. In the video, the young actor admitted to “smoking pot due to peer pressure.”
“Hi everybody. I would just like to clear up some past mistakes that I've made. It was a dumb thing that I did due to peer pressure at school. I have now realised that vaping and smoking pot, it's stupid and it's not cool and it's not worth it.”In the same video, Jack Dylan Grazer also requested viewers to avoid making the “mistakes” he did.
“I've learned my lesson and I've learned it the hard way. Please don't make the same mistakes that I did. If you feel peer pressured or bullied, get help. But I just wanna thank you for the continued love and support and I love you guys and I'm sorry."The apology video became the subject of online ridicule and laughter. Critics even pointed out that the “We Are Who We Are” actor memorized his apology and was possibly looking at a script while filming the apology.
Jack Dylan Grazer pokes fun at getting ‘cancelled’ for resurfaced video
Jack Dylan Grazer is recognized for his role of “Eddie” in the film adaptations on Stephen King’s “It.” He is also known for appearing in the 2019 DCEU film “Shazam!” and CBS’ sitcom “Me, Myself & I,” among others.
Besides his work at films and TV shows, the American actor is also quite popular for his TikTok videos. In one recent TikTok video, Jack Dylan Grazer poked fun at getting “cancelled” in reference to his controversial old video of smoking weed.
In the clip, the California native mockingly says:
“So, unfortunately… 14-year-old actor Jack Dylan Grazer has been canceled for smoking cannabis.”The 17-year-old closes the video with a sarcastic “yeah right!” Following the latest TikTok video, fans also took to Twitter to share a laugh over the old incident.
Jack Dylan Grazer’s latest film “Luca,” released on June 18, 2021. The actor lends his voice to the lead character “Alberto Scorfano,” in the Pixar film.
Meanwhile, Grazer is also preparing to reprise his role as “Freddy Freeman” in the upcoming “Shazam!” Sequel.
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