How to get Duskull, Dusclops, and Dusknoir

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Teal Mask DLC has introduced a lot of new and returning Pokemon to the title, along with the fan-favorite Duskull and its evolutions of Dusclops and Dusknoir. Hence, there will indeed be many in the community who will be looking forward to getting their hands on the Pokemon once their journey begins in the new Kitakami region.

While Duskull is quite an easy catch, evolving it all the way to Dusknoir is a bit tricky, and you will need to be aware of a few nuances before you can get your hands on the final evolution.

Hence, today’s Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guide will go over some of the things you need to do to easily get your hands on Duskull, Dusclops, and Dusknoir in the Teal Mask DLC.

Where to get Duskull in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask

To catch a Duskull in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC, you need to explore the central portion of the new Kitakami region. The Pokemon can be easily encountered if you make your way to the northcentral, northeast, as well as northwest portions of the new area.

Once encountered, just chip its health down and then catch it with a Pokeball.

Duskull encounter locations in Kitakami (Image via

How to evolve Duskull into Dusclops in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask

While you can find and capture a Dusclops in the wild, the easiest way to get one will be to evolve it from a Duskull. The Pokemon will automatically evolve at level 37, so all you will need to do is use it in battle every now and then to gain XP.

Additionally, if you find a Duskull in the wild that is already above level 37, then leveling it up just once will trigger the evolution.

How to evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask

Evolving Dusclops into Dusknoir is a bit tricky as it will require you to get your hands on a specific in-game item. Then, make Dusclops hold the item as you trade it with someone to trigger the evolution.

The item you will need is called the Reaper Cloth, and there are two specific ways to obtain it in the game:

1) Obtaining the Reaper Cloth in the Timeless Woods

The best way to get the Reaper Cloth will be to go to the Timeless Woods and then head to the central portion of the area. Here, you will find an open field, and you need to look for a patch that has a lot of green and white plants.

There will be a drop item there that is shining, and you will get a Reaper Cloth by picking it up.

2) Obtaining the Reaper Cloth by catching Pokemon

The second way of getting it is as a bonus for catching 170 different Pokemon in the Kitakami region. By updating your Kitakami Pokedex with new entries, you will be rewarded with the Reaper Cloth after you have made 170 new captures and entries.

Although this seems to be a longer process, if you catch everything new that you set your eyes on, then you will obtain the item in no time.

Once you have the Reaper Cloth, you need to make your Dusclops hold it as you trade it with another trainer in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This is where the Pokemon Home feature kicks in. However, do make sure to trade it with someone who will trade the evolved Dusknoir back to you.

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