Jojo, 17-year-old Josephine Wisher, has been missing since April 8, 2023. She was last seen at her apartments off Deerpark and Yorba Linda Blvd. wearing a long-sleeve, light-blue fleece top, wide-leg black pants, and white yeezy sneakers. She's 5'2" with brown eyes and hair.
She told her mother she would walk at 7:30 PM and never returned.
Jacob Leonardo of Norco, a secretive acquaintance, may be with her. They frequent Newport Beach's Fashion Island.
Jojo attended El Dorado High. Fullerton Police filed a missing persons report. If you see Jojo, call FPD 714-738-6800 or 911.
Her disappearance devastated our family.
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Respected and cherished ones, I can't do this without you. Since Saturday evening, my daughter Josephine Wisher has not been seen or heard from. She left at 7:30 to go on a walk, and we never saw her or heard from her again after that.
She wore a light blue fleece pullover, wide leg black pants, white yeezy sneakers (which were a gift from her boyfriend), and she carried a small pink Louis Vuitton purse when she left on Saturday. (another gift from him). She is 17 years old, 5 feet and 2 inches tall, caucasian, with brown hair that extends approximately 6 inches past her shoulders and brown eyes. Please contact the Fullerton police department at 714-738-6800 or 911 if you see her, hear from her, or have any other information regarding her whereabouts.
Don't call her because I have her phone in my possession. (see below for more information).
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For additional details: Since the beginning of the year, she has been involved in a connection that has evolved into an exceptionally toxic one. On Friday, her increasingly erratic behaviour reached a crescendo when the boyfriend attempted to pick a fight with my sons, and she tried to take my car. John and I travelled to Norco, the location of the boy's residence, and with the assistance of the sheriff, we were able to return her to her home.
Who is Josephine Wisher?
Jojo, 17-year-old Josephine Wisher, has been missing since April 8, 2023. She was last seen at her apartments off Deerpark and Yorba Linda Blvd. wearing a long-sleeve, light-blue fleece top, wide-leg black pants, and white yeezy sneakers. She's 5'2" with brown eyes and hair.
On Saturday, before she left, she mentioned that before she left, she was going to go for a walk. Considering that I have access to her phone, I didn't think she had any other means of getting in touch with him. However, we have a hunch that she went to meet with him, but I am unable to confirm or deny this. I have his and his mother's mobile phone numbers in my possession. To say the least, the mother's responses to my text messages have been evasive. My attempts to contact my boyfriend via text message are met with complete silence.
Please send a direct message to me if you know anyone in the Norco area so that I can tell you the name of the family and possibly find out if anyone else has any additional information about them.
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