This giant level 40 Spider in Starfield is suretoscareyou

With a thousand planets to choose from, Starfield's creators have put a wide variety of fauna on them. When exploring, we can find every kind of beast, from a giant spider to a flying octopus. Most of them have designs that look like our worst nightmares, as shown in a viral video shared on Reddit. The clip captured the moment when a level 40 creature appeared out of nowhere to attack a player.

This post started the debate about Starfield's creatures and their creative design. Some fans also analyzed the distracting content in the game and the use of some mechanics.

The terrifying spider hybrid in Starfield

Redditor GourdEnthusiast uploaded a video to the Starfield community that showed them exploring a planet. Suddenly, a creature described by the player as a mix between an octopus and a spider appeared behind a rock. Terrified, they tried to defeat the monster with repeated shots and quick movements. Although they won, the moment was tense.

Impressed by this experience, many community members left their opinions in the post and commented on the design of the game's fauna. A group of them focused on how some very high-level creatures could appear unexpectedly, even when your character may not be prepared.

For example, Redditor u/Ronin607 found three or four abandoned ships, all with different situations. They commented that every time they boarded one, it was very most tense as they waited for one of them to be a nightmare.

In the case of u/No-Door-6894, they explored a blizzard biome, where they encountered a spider. This creature was able to build a tunnel, and it appeared right next to their character. After talking about their experience, the user also asked why Starfield can't have room for cats or foxes, but only hostile predators and hideous herbivores.

Another part of the conversation focused on the use of the game's boost packs when facing aliens. User MERS206 commented that if they had encountered similar creatures, they would have hovered and rained down on them. They stated that the hover ability in the Boost Assault Training skill is great for dealing with all melee enemies.

However, for u/zZINCc, the use of boost packs actually trivializes all of these alien encounters and makes them not scary or deadly at all.

Later in the conversation, some players focused on Starfield's design and content. About this, u/Trixyd said that there is so much to do that they keep getting distracted.

Similar feelings were expressed by the Redditor u/Tobocaj, who said that they could barely finish the missions. According to their testimony, they have to be constantly reminded to stay focused. Besides, most of the time they get lost, wander off, or stumble into a new mission that sounds interesting.

Finding a spider, octopus, or any of the various animals in the game can be frightening. If you want to know more about them, we suggest you read a list of the strangest aliens in Starfield.

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