Which Guardians pitchers have recorded 20+ wins in a season? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers September 3

Every day, MLB Immaculate Grid comes out with a new puzzle for baseball fans to try out. With over 180 editions released to date, each quiz gives fans the chance to learn something new.

In order to win the Immaculate Grid challenge, players must take into account the clues lined up along the axes. By doing so, they will be better suited to populate the nine squares with names of relevant MLB stars.

On Sept. 30, the Immaculate Grid asked users to name Cleveland Guardians (or Indians) pitchers who have recorded 20 or wins in a season. Let's take a look at some eligible entries.

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Which Cleveland Guardians pitchers have recorded 20+ win seasons | MLB Immaculate Grid September 30

In 1971, the Indians traded ace Sam McDowell to the San Francisco Giants in exchange for Gaylord Perry.

Luckily for fans in Cleveland, Perry made the swap look well worthwhile. In 1972, his first season with the indians, Perry led MLB with 24 wins, alongside a 1.92 ERA in 41 games. His 690 career starts rank Perry second all-time, behind Cy Young. A five-time All-Star, Perry was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1991.

"Today in 1974: Cleveland #Indians pitcher Gaylord Perry strikes out Cincinnati #Reds stars Pete Rose, Joe Morgan and Johnny Bench during the Major League All-Star Game at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh!" - Baseball by BSmile

Six-foot-3 left hander Cliff Lee began his career with the Cleveland Indians in 2002. In 2005, Lee had a breakout year on the bump, tossing 202 innings, and finishing the year with an ERA of 3.79 across 32 starts. In 2008, Lee's 22 wins led the league, as did his 2,54 starter ERA. In 2009, the Indians traded Lee to the Philadelphia Phillies, which would be the team he would retire with in 2014.

Corey Kluber was an absolute machine during his time in Cleveland. The 2014 AL Cy Young Award winner, Kluber was also instrumental in the Indians' 2016 World Series push. Although the Indians would come up short, Kluber went 2-0 against the Chicago Cubs in the Fall Classic, striking 15 hitters in 16 innings.

In 2018, fresh off his second Cy Young Award, Kluber amassed 20 wins across a legaue-best 215 innings pitched that year.

"Corey Kluber 2018 highlights" - Pitching Ninja

Pitcher Jim Bagby spent his entire 9-year career with the Cleveland Indians. Known as a workhorse, Bagby's 31 wins, recorded during the 1920 season, stand as the most games ever won by a Cleveland pitcher in a single year.

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